Are you about to get braces? Not sure what to expect? If so, it’s not uncommon to be a bit nervous. Thankfully, getting braces in Calgary is not something you need to be anxious about. In fact, it’s a quick and straightforward procedure. At Forest Lawn Dental Centre, we can help to give you the smile you’ve always wanted with affordable braces. Here’s what the process involves, including some tips for dealing with the soreness wearing braces might initially cause.
Installing braces typically takes about 20 minutes and shouldn’t cause any pain. However, your teeth and mouth will likely be sore afterwards. Alleviating the initial soreness During the first week that you wear your new braces, your mouth will likely be somewhat tender. And, as your gums and lips aren’t accustomed to the dental apparatus being in your mouth, you may develop one or more sores. Here are some things you can do to deal with the dental discomfort that’s typical among those who are wearing braces for the very first time: 1. For the first day or two, eat soft foods like eggs, soup, mashed potatoes and yogurt. 2. Avoid consuming highly acidic foods and drinks—the acids may irritate mouth sores. 3. Use dental wax to avoid irritation caused by brackets and wires rubbing against your mouth. 4. If your lips and gums develop sores, rinse your mouth with a solution of salt and water several times a day. 5. If needed, take over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Generally, after about a week, your mouth will have adapted and the pain and sores will be gone. Affordable Braces and Orthodontics in Calgary When you get fitted for braces at Forest Lawn Dental Centre in Calgary, we make sure it’s a good experience. In fact, when it comes to the dental treatments we provide our patients, we consistently strive to cause the least amount of discomfort possible. We also give you the information you need to minimize soreness following your appointment. If you’re looking for an experienced family dentist in Calgary, look no further. For affordable braces,call Forest Lawn Dental Centre to make an appointment today.