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Why You Should See a Walk-In Dentist When You Have Facial Swelling

Facial swelling, an area of localized redness and pain, can occur for many different reasons. It may be the result of an injury, a scratch, a sting, a bite, or for no apparent reason. However, one of the most common reasons for facial swelling is the development of an infected tooth with a dental abscess, and a dental abscess is something that needs to be looked at right away at a walk-in dentist in Calgary such as Forest Lawn Dental Centre.

A dental abscess occurs when a deep tooth infection spreads from the tooth and out into the surrounding tissue. The infection that ends up causing a dental abscess can begin in many different ways. It may be due to a deep cavity, to advanced gum disease, to tooth trauma, or to a tooth crack. Most infections start and progress due to poor dental care habits such as brushing improperly and failing to flossing. They can also occur because dental care for tooth cracks and cavities was not sought out quickly enough or at all when needed. One of the first signs of a dental abscess is when one or more teeth become very sensitive to the application of pressure. As the infection progresses, it will begin to show more serious signs which indicate that you should go to a walk-in dentist in Calgary. These signs include fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, difficulty opening the mouth, and difficulty swallowing. Facial swelling from a dental abscess will only continue to get grow more painful and to increase, especially around the eye area. After your dentist concludes that your facial swelling is caused by an abscess, the abscess may need to be drained and antibiotics will likely be prescribed. You will also be given pain medication to help with the pain and swelling until further measures can be taken. Depending on the location and on the cause of the abscess, treatment may consist of periodontal treatment, tooth extraction, or a root canal. A dental abscess requires immediate medical attention. If you're experiencing the symptoms above, you need to drop everything and seek out a dentist right away. The bacteria from the infection can spread throughout the gums and into your cheek, your throat, your jaw, and even into your facial bones. The right treatment can prevent this from happening. Forest Lawn Dental Centre has a walk-in Calgary dentist that you can trust and will give you the attention you need if you come in with a dental abscess. We'll help you handle the pain and make sure that the proper treatment is chosen. Don't wait for a dental abscess to become worse. If allowed to progress, an abscess can cause serious health complications. Our office is located just off 17th Avenue SE, easy to find, and on major bus routes. If you believe that you may be suffering from a dental abscess, then call or visit Forest Lawn Dental Centre as soon as possible.


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